Join us for a free screening of the Christmas classic. The Polar Express follows Billy (Hayden McFarland), who longs to believe in Santa Claus but finds it quite difficult to do so in the face of his family's dogged insistence that it’s all just a myth. Everything changes on Christmas Eve, when a mysterious train visits Billy in the middle of the night, promising to take him and a group of other children to the North Pole for a visit with Santa. The train's conductor (Tom Hanks) and passengers help turn Billy's crisis of faith into a journey of self-discovery.
Location: The Shane Lalani Center for the Arts, Dulcie Theater.
Doors Open: 6:30pm Elves will be on duty.
Train Leaves the Station: 7:00pm
The Livingston Film Series is generously sponsored by Donald B. Gimbel, Marilyn Clotz and Mary Ann Bearden.